Has your sex life become dry, dull, boring or mundane? Do you find yourself repeating the same old moves over and over again? Or, do you know that sex can be better but are not quite sure how to achieve it?
Raise the vibration of your sex life
If you are like most people you know that after some time of “going through the motions” sex becomes more like scratching an itch or checking off a box than the amazing, passionate bonding experience you dream of.
One way to remedy this dullness and boredom is to the raise the vibration of your sex life with Sacred Sexuality practices.
High Vibration
You know that feeling when you walk into a club with awesome music, the feeling of synergy in the air, the pulse of bodies on the dance floor and a complete release of all the cares in the world? That’s high vibration. And, usually it’s high vibration or “vibe” that brings you back for more and more. It could even be your favorite cuisine, a full day at the spa, or a treasured location on the globe that raises your vibration. And, it’s this high vibration that you can get (and much much more) with Sacred Sexuality.
So what is Sacred Sexuality?
While there are many definitions and practices here are a few that come to mind:
- Sacred Sexuality raises your vibration and adds spark, passion, depth, intimacy, and intense feelings of connection into your love making.
- Sacred Sexuality includes the energetic field along with the physical dimension. When accessing this energetic field, some people have reported having cosmic downloads, seeing visions, having the sensation of merging with their partner, and sustaining pleasurable states for long periods of time.
- Sacred Sexuality is a big field of study and can take years to master. There are many schools, teachers and books on the subject. It is truly next-level and if you are interested in it please seek it out!
While I am not a master of Sacred Sexuality I have studied it for quite some time. I teach the basics to my students and clients and offer a few suggestions to get you started:
Sacred Connection Exercises
The first step in Sacred Sexuality is shifting the view you have of your partner. It’s important that you hold the view that your lover is a Divine being. Your partner is not just a mom, dad, caretaker or best friend. But, an actual incarnation of the Divine. That may sound a little woo-woo but by shifting your view of your lover you will raise the vibration of your connection. Try it!
Here is one small, introductory practice you can start with right away:
Treating your lover as a Divine being:
- Start with setting up a sacred space with candles, soft music, massage oil and soft sheets and blankets.
- Then, get into the space and do some connecting exercises. There are some great exercises in Margo Anand’s The Art of Sexual Ecstasy. Or, you can find some videos on YouTube.
- Treat your partner to a full body massage. Erotic massage is an excellent way to engage in sacred time with your partner. Sacred Sexuality is all about slowing down, going deep, feeling each and every nuance of sensation and erotic massage can help you do that.
- Before, during and after the massage lay your hand on your partner’s heart and take a few deep breaths. By centering the heart during the massage it helps remind you both of the intention you hold for your connection. It will help raise the vibration of intimacy between the two of you and remind you that Love just as much as Sex is integral to your relationship.
- You can choose to finish the massage with an orgasmic release or, just leave it at therapeutic for now.
There are many stages of intimacy and levels of passion to attain with Sacred Sexuality so it’s okay to go at your own pace of connection.
How to Learn More?
If you are interested in learning more about Sacred Sexuality there is a vast library of books on neo-Tantra, Tantra and Sacred Sexuality you can find online. I have also compiled a list of vetted schools which you can find here.
You can also reach out to me to learn my Erotic Fundamentals which is the basis for Sacred Sexual practices.
I hope this has piqued your interest and has given you hope that your sex life doesn’t have to be dull and boring!
If you are interested in booking a free consultation please do not hesitate to reach out.
All the best,
Dr. Anya