Struggling with Intimacy?

Erectile dysfunction, Mismatched Libidos, Porn Dependency, Pelvic and Vaginal Pain Syndromes, Peri/Menopausal Low Desire..And More.

Custom-Crafted Coaching Programs. Blending Clinical & Somatic Sexology, Neuroscience, Expert Coaching & Advanced Sex Education. From Struggling to Thriving In 5-12 sessions.

Expert, Solution-Based Coaching.Virtual sessions. Get Started Today.

Individuals & Couples

Coaching Programs

What Folks Are Saying

dr anya sex coaching

Jennifer and Chuck

Desire Discrepancy / Communication

"Hi Dr. Anya, we wanted to thank you so much for all the help and coaching you provided to us during an extremely rough patch in our relationship.

We have really come so far in a lot of ways, and we credit your method. Thanks for being so patient and positive, we’ve learned a ton of useful stuff that we can use going forward. Cheers to celebrating the wins!"

dr anya sex coaching

Chester M.

Weak Orgasms - Orgasm Anhedonia

"I went into Dr. Anya’s coaching/consulting as a last hope. I was trying to be optimistic but deep down, wasn’t sure if I was going to get anything from it.

I struggled with absent/weak orgasm for as long as I can remember, starting from the time I was a young adult. I went to urologists for a few years, trying multiple medications but to no avail. I was recommended to Dr. Anya by my urologist and was hesitant at first because I didn’t think coaching or consulting would help me, but after years of getting no where, I decided to give it a shot.

And all I can say is that it delivered. Dr. Anya is very open minded, comforting and educated and takes a holistic approach into caring for her clients. Thanks to her guidance, exercises and sessions, I have made progress in being finally able to have stronger orgasms, something I thought was impossible after 10+ years of struggle.

I think the most important thing Dr. Anya has given me is hope; hope that with some effort and some guidance, progress can be made even when it feels impossible. Whatever success I’ve come across in my short time with her would have seemed impossible to me a year ago. I would recommend any man struggling with weak or absent orgasm to at least try Dr. Anya’s coaching and see if it can’t help you. If you were like me, you have nothing to lose".

Mare and Wayne

Mare and Wayne

Long-Term Relationship

"My husband and I have been together for more than forty years, and for the last thirty, we have been dealing with conflict over sexual intimacy...

With Anya's guidance, we feel we have succeeded in re-establishing the connection we had lost. We have rediscovered the ability to address and satisfy our mutual desires.

Anya has given us tools to use going forward. Finally, it's reassuring knowing that we can always contact Anya for help and further guidance if we find ourselves falling back into old, destructive behaviors".

dr anya sex coaching

Catherine and Steven

Desire Discrepancy

"We are a couple who have been together for six years and have been having intimacy issues. We sought out Dr. Anya to help guide us through this rough patch.

Anya's warmth and openness made the experience all the more easy. My wife is a little uncomfortable discussing some of these issues, just like many people but in Anya, she found someone in whom she could confide.

We had all of our meetings through zoom, I found the video to be as effective if not more so than meeting in person. We highly recommend Dr. Anya to anybody who is seeking to improve their all around relationship with their partner".

dr anya sex coaching


Performance Anxiety

"I would highly recommend Dr Anya, she was very valuable in changing our attitudes about sex and putting things in perspective.

I really struggled with performance anxiety and had a really hard time keeping an erection, and even if I could, I wouldn’t be able to last. Dr Anya helped by showing how common this issue is which helped me and my partner overcome our fears around it.

All in all, it was at the very least helpful to bring in a 3rd party to talk about this instead of having a feud between me and my girlfriend".

Sean and Jenn

Sean and Jenn

Renewing Passion

"Dr. Anya is full of love, acceptance and wisdom for her clients. She helped my husband and I think about our sexual relationship differently which opened new doors for us to explore. She has simple tools that make sexuality easy, fun and free.

After 12 years together, Dr. Anya helped us reinvigorate and reprioritize sensual connection in our marriage. I would recommend Dr. Anya to anyone who seeks a safe, loving place to explore sexuality in a new way".

dr anya sex coaching


EE/Performance Anxiety

"From the first consultation it was clear that Dr. Anya was the perfect fit. Her warm and welcoming demeanor made me comfortable opening up about personal topics that aren’t easy to discuss.

Dr. Anya’s guidance for men navigating the obstacle of early ejaculation and performance anxiety was very helpful. She truly knows how to reframe your philosophy around sex that so many people are miseducated on by society, pornography, ect.

With Dr. Anya’s nonjudgmental environment I found the conversations becoming seamless. She provided me with insightful feedback that I would explore outside of class and then report back to her with my experiences and we’d build from there each week. I believe her discussions are valuable to anyone trying to better themselves!"

Dr. Anya's Blog

There's a lot to read on the internet about human sexuality. Here are some of my thoughts.