  1. the study of human sexual life or relationships.



A clinical sexologist is a sexologist who offers sex counseling, coaching, and education to assist people towards understanding and accepting themselves as sexual beings and to encourage them towards their sexual goals.  Clinical Sexologists have extensively studied all aspects of human sexuality and help navigate people through areas in which they may find themselves stuck, confused, needing more information, or desiring to have more pleasure. Sexologists are non-judgmental, sex-positive and take biological, psychological, sociological, anthropological and historical factors into consideration when addressing sexual issues.  They may use an educational or PLISSIT Model approach (Permission, Limited Information, Specific Suggestions & Intensive Therapy) to help clients meet their goals and do not have any preconceptions of what a client’s sexuality “should” look like. Clinical sexologists facilitate clients’ sexual growth by helping them to identify their sexual goals and by offering education, resources, tools and techniques to help them meet those goals and ultimately manage their own sexual growth.
