As a sex educator, sexuality consultant and sex coach I adhere to strict guidelines of codes and ethics. I also stand by the premise of adults having autonomous sexual rights.
I believe strongly in consent and boundaries and all suggested HomePlay curriculum is optional and/or the client can adapt the curriculum to suit their own needs.
I do not engage in any form of sexual touch with clients as that is outside my scope of practice.
I adhere to the code of ethics and overview of sexual rights laid out by these esteemed sexuality organizations:
The World Association of Sex Coaches,
Association of Professional Sexological Bodyworkers,
American College of Sexologists,
World Association for Sexual Health – Declaration of Sexual Rights
World Association for Sexual Health – Declaration of Sexual Pleasure
I stand by the beliefs, credos and practices of the following sexuality organizations:
AASECT – American Association of Sex Educators, Counselors and Therapists
SIECUS – Sex Ed for Social Change
The National Coalition For Sexual Freedom
The American College of Sexologists International